Our Location

57 Evanston Way NW, Calgary


Legal Coaching

(587) 429-4449

Community Resources

A collection of helpful local resources at your fingertips.

Pro Bono Law Alberta


Provides a comprehensive list of clinics/ organizations, resources and programs that may be able to help individuals with legal needs.

Alberta Courts – Resolution & Court Administration Services (RCAS)

Phone: 1-855-738-4747

Provides assistance with court procedures and forms. Also provides programs and services including mediation, court counsellors, children’s services, child support assistance, and family violence prevention.

Calgary Legal Guidance

Phone: 403-234-9266

Provides free legal advice for persons with low income. Programs include divorce clinics, domestic violence assistance, and social benefits advocacy.

Legal Aid Alberta

Phone: 403-297-2260
Toll free: 1-866-845-3425

Based on your legal issue and financial eligibility, clients are eligible to receive information, legal advice and/or brief services and limited or full representation.

Community Mediation Calgary Society

Phone: 403-269-2707

Provides free assistance in resolving conflicts between neighbours, and within community and non-for profit organizations.

Student Legal Assistance

Phone: 403-220-6637

Law students provide free legal assistance to persons with low income. A nominal disbursement charge may apply.

Children’s Legal and Educational Resource Centre (CLERC)

Phone: 403-207-9092

Provides children and youth with free legal advice, information and representation.

Money Mentors

Toll-Free: 1-888-294-0076

Provides help with creditor negotiations and Orderly Payment of Debts Program.

Women’s Centre of Calgary

Phone: 403-264-1155

Provides legal advice clinics for women. Volunteer lawyers provide free ½ hr. sessions by appointment only.

Laws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta


The Residential Tenancies Legal Information Program operates the Laws for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta website, which provides plain language information on housing law in Alberta. Staff also conduct presentations across the province on landlord and tenant rights, answer reference questions, and develop information booklets and sample agreements.